Eating behavior

What is slow food? Find out now

With the tumultuous routines we have, it’s difficult to stop and eat a leisurely lunch, enjoying the food and the moment. Does this sound familiar? Maybe it’s time to answer the question; ‘what is slow food?‘ It’s a movement that combines very well with what we talk about in my practice and in my program the Sophie Effect. It’s part of an NGO created by the Italian Carlo Petrini in 1986 and has supporters in more than 150 countries.

Ok, so, what is slow food?

What is slow food? It means eating slowly. The movement preaches to eat consciously and pleasantly, with quality food. It’s not a vegetarian, vegan or radical trend as some unfortunately try to impose.

The slow food movement has emerged as a counterpoint to fast food. Both in terms of the quality of the food, but also in the speed at which we devour meals. It assumes that what we eat influences the world around us, from biodiversity, landscape, to cultural traditions.

According to the website: SlowfoodUSA, “The basic principle is the right to the pleasure of food, using special quality homemade products, produced in a way that respects both the environment and… the producers.” To understand ‘what is slow food’, we need to deepen our relationship with food. First, food needs to be good, clean, and fair. That is, it has to have taste, be cultivated without harming your health and the environment, and the producers must receive a fair value for their work.

We need to understand that eating is much more than a vital function. It’s an experience that involves all our senses, stories and cultures. It’s our responsibility to keep these culinary traditions alive, bringing diversity to our tables and respect for the older producers.

Slow food also talks about respecting seasons. Every fruit or vegetable has a correct season for planting and harvesting. Each ingredient takes time to cook or bake.

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What are the benefits of slow food?

In addition to favoring small farmers and mindful production, slow food completely changes our relationship with food and meal time. By taking your time to prepare fresh food, you experience pleasure and calmness when you eat, and also, you can still lose a few pounds.

That’s right! Without realizing it, you choose what you eat better, listen to your hunger and stop eating when you feel satiated. You know that these are my precious words of advice for losing weight healthily and sustainably, so the slow food movement can be a great ally on this path.

To bring a little bit of what is slow food to your day to day, try gardening at home and watch the development of plants. If you live in an apartment, you can plant some herbs, vegetables and fruits in vases and guide their growth. When you go to the supermarket or a food market, pay attention to food information, such as where it was produced, for example. Another cool tip is to cook when you can, and turn mealtime into small rituals with time to enjoy and talk to the ones you love.

Reduce the pace of your life and have more balance with mindful eating. It may seem difficult to see the relationship, but this is an important step to maintain a healthy weight and be happy with your body! Bon appétit!

How about learning my Sophie Effect method, which teaches you to transform your relationship with food and to listen to your body’s signals again? It includes six weeks of videos and materials that will explain eating habits, and how you can regain the pleasure of eating. Check it out!

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Eating behavior

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