Eating behavior

Tips for overweight people: Don’t battle excess weight with radicalism!

Do you want to lose weight? No? So tell me, you at least know someone who wants to lose weight, right? Your mother, your brother, your friend, your cousin, your neighbor… we live in an age when everyone thinks about their excess weight.

Obesity is undoubtedly a growing problem in the world. But it’s necessary to know how to differentiate excess weight from a pattern of beauty unattainable and incompatible with the bio-type of most of the world’s population.

I say this because everyday I come across people who feel overweight because they’re sometimes four to six pounds heavier than a few years ago. This type of variation is normal, and over the course of life, several metabolic changes may contribute to some weight gain. The health professional is the one who should make the diagnosis!

Let’s talk about health, not vanity.

I’m overweight: what are some tips for overweight people?

The first recommendation I want to stress is that when you feel you need weight-loss help, you should seek a specialist. It’s no use trying to fight excess weight by trying fad diets or “miracles” that “worked” for an actress or role model, or someone in your social circle. Over time this can lead to weight gain, not the other way around.

Everybody is different and only a health professional can evaluate why you’ve put on weight and then suggest the best course of action for you. There’s no one-size-fits-all diet because each person has a different history, metabolism, and reason for being overweight. That said, I can offer some tips for overweight people to help you with this process.

Based on years of clinical experience, I can say with confidence that the only way to achieve healthy weight loss is a transformation of your lifestyle, not just your diet. Behavior is as important as the nutrient!

Solve excess weight with a sustainable transformation!

To lose weight and not regain it, your body needs to be healthy, well nourished. You shouldn’t feel that eating is a problem, that is, you should make peace with food. Have you noticed that those who live on a diet are always worried about what they will eat, what they would like to eat but “cannot”, and with the amount of calories from each leaf of lettuce on the plate…?!? No one should be forced to go through this type of stress just because they’re overweight.

So let’s share a few simple tips for overweight people that can be integrated into your daily life gradually, quietly, until they become habits. And a change of habit is synonymous with sustainable transformation, which means, for life! And remember to seek help if you think this is impossible.

Avoid restriction

I like to reinforce this always – if you deprive your body of eating, it will understand that something isn’t right and will send the following message to your brain: “we’re experiencing a shortage and we need to store fat!” Yes, fat is the body’s defense mechanism.

Look for moderation

Try to satisfy your desires without overdoing it. When going out to eat at a pizzeria, for example, there’s no need to eat four slices in less than ten minutes. If you eat slowly, taste the flavor of each ingredient, enjoy the moment and the company, chew slowly, give time for the feeling of satiety to arrive, you’ll notice that you feel satisfied with less. If you give yourself the permission to eat, you will not  overeat.

In doubt about what to eat? Eat fresh food!

Try to prioritize natural foods, that is, real foods that you find at food markets, and reduce your consumption of ultra-processed foods (industrialized and packaged foods). Eating food that’s diversified and rich in fruits and vegetables is one of the oldest dietary recommendations, and not for no reason: nature gives us everything we need in terms of nutrients, and with that, the feeling of satiety increases. The traditional English dish of meat and 3 vegetables is excellent from a nutritional point of view!

Make time for time

All the above tips require patience and a lot of practice: slowly, you build a different relationship with the act of eating, which is no longer a problem but a moment of pleasure. By adopting this kind of change, you’ll no longer have to resort to restrictive diets. This will rid your body of long periods of deprivation or the opposite extreme, guilty food excesses.

Your body will feel grateful and quieter for this new “you” endowed with self-confidence, awareness and well-being.

Bon appétit!

See more:

How about learning my Sophie Effect method, which teaches you to transform your relationship with food and to listen to your body’s signals again? It includes six weeks of videos and materials that will explain eating habits, and how you can regain the pleasure of eating. Check it out!

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Eating behavior

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