
How long does PMS last? Do you know?

We women spend our whole lives under a real storm of hormones. Puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, puerperium, pre-menopause, menopause… This causes a whirlwind of changes in our body and mind as well. A few days before menstruation, there’s a hormonal oscillation called Premenstrual Tension (PMS). The discomforts can be irritability, headaches, bloating, wanting to cry often, among others. It’s important to know ‘How long does PMS last ?’ so a diagnosis can be made more accurately and you can deal with it better.


How long does PMS last?

PMS is a very personal matter. Each woman perceives the symptoms differently. While some say they feel oscillations up to 15 days before menstruation, others feel them 1 or 2 days before. Some don’t have any symptoms.

The most common is that PMS begins a few days before menstruation and ends on the first day of its arrival.

To be characterized as premenstrual tension, the symptoms should disappear on the first or second day of menstruation. That is very important.

Many people confuse psychiatric and clinical conditions with PMS, as they can worsen in this period. For example, migraine sufferers may experience more pain that week, but symptoms appear at other times as well.

So it’s important to find out ‘how long does PMS last?’ If the symptoms persist for longer, you should see a doctor and get a diagnosis.

A study carried out by the Hospital das Clínicas from São Paulo shows that PMS is more frequent in women from the ages of 30 to 40 and lasts until menopause. Before that age, a girl hardly realizes that she is close to menstruating. Especially in adolescents, the symptoms are usually more physical, such as cramps. We may even think a girl is sensitive because she is experiencing PMS, but in fact, the years leading up to adulthood contain many changes and swings. This phase is full of psychic changes, which cause changes in personality, behavior and mood. These changes are most evident in the premenstrual period.

One of the ways to realize that you’re menstruating may also be by watching your hunger. It’s very common to feel an increased appetite. If you’re on a restrictive diet, it’s best to go easier on your diet and eat better these days. A well nourished person feels the effects of PMS less than someone who doesn’t eat enough. Not to mention the bad mood we feel when we are on a diet anyway, right? So eat better, not less at this time! Respect your body!

To assess how long PMS lasts and how to deal with it, pay attention to your body. Notice the signs it’s giving you. Write down on a calendar when symptoms appear and monitor their development until they disappear completely. At first it may be a little difficult to realize the arrival of some changes, but over time, you’ll discover small details that make all the difference. Try to have balance and healthy habits during these days and talk to a doctor if the discomfort lasts too long or interferes too much with your routine.

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Now that we’ve covered ‘how long does PMS last?’, how about reading other content that we’ve prepared?

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