Eat what?

Light Meal Ideas for Dinner

I’ve heard a lot of people say that they eat in a controlled way and that, in order to lose weight, they choose light meal ideas for dinner. For me, light foods are foods which are easier to digest than, for example, baked beans at dinner time, which can disrupt your digestion and thus a good sleep.

The choice of light food may be a good choice, no doubt, but you must note one important detail: your hunger. If you go to the gym at the end of the day and come home hungry, it’s no use eating a dinner full of lettuce because you won’t be satisfied or happy.

Why choose light meals for dinner?

There are some situations where choosing less heavy dishes for dinner may be a good option. For example, if you sleep poorly, have indigestion problems, if you have eaten an afternoon snack and aren’t that hungry, then selecting what you eat is always important. Taking into account your day and the needs of your body helps you make that choice more assertively. There is no perfect dinner!

What’s not a great idea is to set up a light dinner meal, and attack the refrigerator two hours later because you’re starving. Have you ever done that?And after this happened, did you feel guilty? Right, that doesn’t help anyone!

Let’s agree on the following: I’ll give you some light meal ideas for dinner if you promise to respect your hunger.

Agreed? Then let’s go!

Also read:

Light Meal Ideas for Dinner

You have promised to respect your hunger and eat enough to feel full, so we can now talk about light meal ideas for dinner, right?

If it’s a hot day, how about a refreshing salad? But for it to count as a good meal, it needs a lot more than just leaves. Try shredded chicken, cheese, boiled potatoes, nuts, and even fruit to add flavor and make dinner more interesting! It’s always good to have a variety of foods from different groups.

It may be that, for you, a varied salad is not enough to satisfy your hunger. In this case, a good option is to add a piece of pie like a chicken pie. You can choose other flavors, such as palm hearts, spinach, mushrooms and whatever you like. You’ll be delighted!

Other delicious foods that pair nicely with a salad are omelettes or, why not, a French crepe. The great thing about these dishes is that you can also use your creativity in the filling and make it in advance. Cheese and ham, mozzarella and tomato, or grounded meat, in short, there are countless combinations!

In winter, or on cooler days, you can opt for a good vegetable soup, a broth, or creamed spinach, for example. Again, the best thing you can do is eat a little bit of  everything and enjoy it, so choose recipes with the ingredients that appeal to you. To complement these recipes, try croutons, cheese, or toast to soak up the soup.

You can choose light dishes for dinner that have more sustenance, such as a nice fish filet with accompanying vegetables, or even a grilled steak.

There are so many light meal ideas for dinner that it’s possible to set up a varied and delicious menu! Carpaccio, ceviche, sandwiches, … Anyway, the most important thing is to use creativity. Invent, choose fresh ingredients, have fun and bon appétit!

How about learning my Sophie Effect method, which teaches you to transform your relationship with food and to listen to your body’s signals again?

It includes six weeks of videos and materials that will explain eating habits, and how you can regain the pleasure of eating. Check it out!

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