Eating behavior

Let me eat in Peace!

Do you eat well?
Such a simple question nowadays can bring up a lot of doubts and even anxiety.
It seems like every one is watching what we eat and have some input on what we should be eating or not! We should refrain from commenting on what others are eating. Likewise, others should let us eat in peace!

This article is not going to be about what you should avoid eating. It’s actually quite the opposite, I am going to encourage you to start eating again!

Lose weight in a sustainable manner. Learn about the program that helps you make peace with food!

I have been studying Nutrition for years and believe that eating well doesn’t only depend on what you eat, but also HOW you eat!
Eating is a physiological and psychological act, and we can’t forget this.

Ask yourself: Do you like what you’re eating? Do you eat peacefully, or with fear or guilt?
The emotions you feel when eating can modulate your digestion and even your metabolism. For example, various studies have shown that eating with guilt makes you eat more!

Stop supervising yourself and others, dictating what they can or cannot eat. Eat in peace!
Today, I believe that there aren’t good or bad types of food, and, mainly, that there aren’t any foods that will immediately cause diabetes, make you fatter or skinnier, or even cure cancer.
We can eat anything, moderately, while focusing on real (natural) food.
There isn’t a perfect way to eat, every single one of us is unique.

How does one eat well?
I have a simple definition:
“To eat well and to eat in peace is to eat everything, without guilt or restriction, while feeling pleasure and listening to your emotions and hunger cues.”
Of course, someone who has a metabolic alteration, like diabetes for example, needs some extra care and professional orientation.
Make peace with food, as it has been proven to be the best path towards the prevention of obesity as well as eating disorders.

One of the greatest difficulties my patients and followers have is of facing the constant monitoring of others about what they’re eating: “Are you going to put sugar?” “Wow, you’re actually going to eat sweets?” or “Are you really going for a second serving?”.
I respect every kind of food habits, vegetarianism, veganism, no gluten, no lactose, no, no, no… but no one needs to give me insights on what I need to eat.
Respect my liberty to chose what I will eat! Let me eat in peace!

For you, who wants to eat well and eat in peace, I have 3 easy tips:
1- Say no to restrictive dieting: Don’t restrict what you eat and respect your body, hunger, satiety, and what you want to eat. The more you restrict yourself, the greater the risk that you will deregulate your appetite. Stop hurting yourself and start enjoying the divine moment of feeding yourself. The pleasure of eating is one of the most essential life pleasures, and eating with others is one of the greatest bliss as human beings. Eating with pleasure doesn’t mean eating with greed. Learn how to eat slowly, savoring, and feeling when you’re satisfied. This will help with your wellbeing and health!

2- Eat real food: Choose more in-natura and less processed foods, as indicated by the world renowned new Brazilian Food Guide. Eating less processed also counts for drinks. Drink more water and less sweet drinks, in other words, don’t drink your food. But please keep in mind not to demonize processed food either. Sometimes we need them in our busy day-to-day. They help making food preparation faster and allow us to have access to sanitized and practical food. Now, chose them more carefully, focusing on quality and decreasing ultra-processed food.

3- Cook! The act of cooking, even a simple meal, immediately helps improve your food! Share your meals with loved ones, making the moment even happier and more serene. Recent studies showed that cooking at home is the best way to prevent against obesity and type 2 diabetes.

Trust in yourself! Listen to your body! The owner of your hunger is you!
Focus on eating better and not less. Eating better will automatically make you eat less.
Improving your relationship with food as well as your food quality will make you improve your health. Weight is a consequence of your health.

So if you’re thinking about eating better, I strongly encourage you to first consult your common sense. We all probably know much more than we believe we do about what’s best for us.
It’s time to eat in peace slow down, simplify your life, and start listening to yourself again, because we are all born with this conscience intact.
Just look at a young child and see how she still has access to all of her hunger and satiety cues; you’ll be surprised!
Remember that any change in our lives involves a slow process, that can start with small changes, because this will bring you to a more sustainable path.

Would you like to learn more about the Sophie Effect, which teaches you to transform your relationship with food and to listen to the signals of your body again? It is a six-week online program including videos and material that discuss eating habits and how to regain the pleasure of eating. Click here to know more!

Bon appétit!


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Eating behavior

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