
Check out some simple dessert recipes and tips. Cook more!

Having a balanced diet, contrary to what it seems, is not that difficult. One of the most ever-present tips in my discussions is: cook more! And within this concept, of course, are some simple dessert recipes, practical and delicious for those who can’t say no to a good dessert!

I defend the pleasure to eat and sure enough sweet foods bring that good feeling to our brain. Our brain likes sugar! Especially when it’s combined with fat! It’s probably this combination that gives us more reward.

The problem is that the industry is producing this in large quantities of products, to ensure the combination works as a true satisfaction “bomb” for our body.

And with that, we’re putting aside home-made options… and filling our cabinets with ultra-processed sweet foods. We forget the countless easy, delicious, homemade desserts our mothers and grandmothers used to make at home.

I try not to take a radical stance against processed foods because I’m fully aware of the rush that people living in the urban scene have to face every day: children, traffic, excessive work… all this reduces our possibility and even desire to work in the kitchen.

That’s where ready-to-eat foods often turn out to be the fastest alternative. But as a great advocate of resuming the cooking habit, I like to spread this notion that cooking is nothing to be stressed about!

The secret is not about restriction / diet, but to seek to eat better. Learn about the Sophie Effect!

And that to rely on recipes for easy and home-made desserts doesn’t take much time. And the ingredients aren’t even expensive!

Most people think that you have to be a real “master chef” to make delicious things in the kitchen, but I’m living proof that this is not true. I raised my four children based on simple dishes, always prioritizing real food and using sugar and fat in moderation. Without demonizing food!

In my book, The Weight of Diets, I show more than 50 simple recipes, mine and from friends spread around the world, which demonstrate how practical and delicious it is to cook at home!

When it comes to simple dessert recipes, a precious tip is always to leave your kitchen stocked with some basic ingredients.

Firstly, fruit! They form an interesting base for any dessert because they’re delicious, excellent for health and it is easy nowadays to find good fruits year-round. It’s also cool to use them in the form of jellies, which when mixed with a natural yogurt, for example, become a delicious dessert!

Another item of fundamental importance in the kitchen are spices. Besides being natural, they bring a special aroma and flavor to any dish. And on top of it they’re cheap! Some examples that marry well with desserts: cinnamon, cloves, star anise and even nutmeg depending on the recipe.

The quality of the ingredient is also critical to achieving excellent results. If you make a dessert with chocolate, for example, buy a good quality, not an artificial chocolate loaded with sugar.

And speaking of simple dessert recipes, shall we get our hands dirty?

Simple dessert recipes: Let’s go to the kitchen?

Today I chose some of the recipes from my book so that you can start to practice a delicious cooking habit at home! I don’t even know if I can call them recipes, because they really are very simple.

The idea here is to show that home-made and practical desserts don’t require time, effort or a gigantic list of ingredients. Check out some options with fruits:

  • Roasted banana with cocoa nibs;
  • Whole apple with cinnamon (in the oven for one hour);
  • Papaya cream: ½ a seedless and peeled papaya and a scoop of vanilla ice cream in the blender;
  • Fresh strawberries with yogurt and sugar.

Bon appétit!

In addition to these easy dessert recipes, we have some other tips for you:

How about learning my Sophie Effect method, which teaches you to transform your relationship with food and to listen to your body’s signals again? It includes six weeks of videos and materials that will explain eating habits, and how you can regain the pleasure of eating. Check it out!

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