Eating behavior

“Done with Diets” Summit

Watch my FREE interview! ENCORE Replay Period.

Ever find yourself thinking “If I only had TIME…”

You’re invited to the Done With Diets FREE Interview Series, This is an event that I’m personally excited to speak at and learn from.

Here are the details…

25+ Leading Women’s Health & Wellness experts have gathered together to discuss self-care, health, psychology, nutrition and more.

This virtual summit is hosted by sisters Meg & Shannon Sullivan of Whole Food Love. Together, we’ll be sharing our insight into the reasons why you need to make time for YOU—even if you already feel like there is not enough time in the day.

No matter how busy, overwhelmed, or tired you are, you need to take advantage of this opportunity to learn why taking care of yourself is the most important and most effective investment that you can make in your health, wellness, and vitality.

Again, this event is completely FREE and registration is only open for a limited time.

Click here to learn more and register

If you’d like to hear my exclusive interview and be a part of this event, use the link above to register. My interview was orginially shown from May 28th to May 3ost. If you missed it, there will be an ENCORE Replay Period from June 8th to June 15th.

Please take advantage of this free opportunity to discover why making (just a little) time for you can enrich your mind, body, and spirit while eliminating overwhelming thoughts, stress, and guilt.

I look forward to sharing with you!



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Eating behavior

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