Eating behavior

A different and happy Easter for your children

The Easter Bunny is coming soon with plenty of chocolate! Happiness!
How is your egg hunt going to be this year?

Why not make this time an especially fun time and thus avoid eating too much chocolate?

Remember, it is a festive moment and everyone is entitled to the pleasure of eating chocolate! Do not spoil the moment for your children, even if they have weight issues, by not giving any egg or less than other siblings might get. Depriving children of that pleasure can only make them sad and frustrated with the risk of them eating too much at the next opportunity!

It is important in any case to avoid exaggeration that can affect your children´s health.

This year why not focus on quality instead of quantity? I listed below some tips that might help you make this Easter more enjoyable and distract your children away from quantity.

– You can, for example, change the focus of the egg hunt to make it as fun as possible and as little geared as possible towards eating chocolate.

– You can choose a bigger / special egg for each child: it does not have to be huge, it can be colored or have a surprise inside. Choose the same for each child, or determine a preferred egg for each one ahead of the hunt, and put each child’s name on it.

– It can be fun to hide many small eggs to hunt and make things more interesting!

– To vary the treasures and make eating less important, you can hide boiled eggs dyed with food coloring and/or small gifts. Children like to participate in the decoration of eggs. So do not hesitate to ask them to join the preparations!

– Combine ahead with participating family and friends in order to avoid excess and suggest they bring smaller, higher quality eggs

– Set aside a box at the end of the game and ask the children if they want to put some to give away to needy children. They will enjoy the eggs they most want and can also feel good about giving to others!

It is not because it is Easter that everything is allowed! It is important to define rules about eating the eggs at appropriate times, for example at dessert or together with an afternoon snack. Make sure your children do not eat eggs all the time during the day, otherwise they will not be hungry at mealtimes and will eat little other quality food.

Above all, have fun and make this moment a family event! Your children will be very happy to participate in the preparations and take part in the hunting adventure!

Happy Easter!

Bon appétit!


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Eating behavior

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