Eating behavior

The 2nd Annual Mindful Eating Summit Is Here! 

November 2nd-6th 2015 – 25+ world experts gathered.
My interview will be featured on Tuesday, November 3rd. Don´t miss it!

My friend and colleague, Dr. Susan Albers, New York Times Bestselling Author and Cleveland Clinic psychologist, has put together a fantastic FREE event with +25 of the world’s top leading eating experts to share information that you won’t hear anywhere else.

I am so thrilled to be one of the experts speaking at the Summit! My interview will be featured on Tuesday, November 3rd. Don´t miss it!

The summit will teach you how to boost your nutrition, end mindless overeating and stop feeling guilty when you eat TODAY!

Where can people learn more about mindful eating?

Here are just a few of the other presenters in the conference, all of whom offer their own rich, in-depth perspective on health, wellness and mindfulness:

-Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD, Mindful Eating & Intuitive Eating
-Michael Gelb, Putting More Dolce into Your Vita: The DaVinci Approach to Eating Mindfully
-Ann Swanson, Chair Yoga Therapy and Mindful Eating
-Dr. Karen Koenig, How to Build Your Better Self For Better Eating
-Dr. Micahel Bruer, Sleep Your Way to a Better Appetite
-Dr. Nina Savelle-Rocklin, The Keys to Eliminating Emotional Eating

Find out more and sign up by clicking here

When you do, you will also receive the 5’s of Mindful Eating and a FREE E-book: 10 Ways to Outsmart Your Appetite so you can start taking charge of your eating right NOW!

I will see you there on November 2-6th 2015!



P.S. Feel free to share the message and get your friends, colleagues and family to eat more mindfully with you.

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Eating behavior

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